Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Slow start

Last night I put on my running shoes and went for a spin (not run...) Sitting on the spinning bike was never my number 1 pastime, but last night it felt really good. I started off easy and only did 30 minutes at a moderate pace, but I kept the cadence up and the heart rate between 125 and 135, and felt really good. I felt envious this morning when Ilette and her friends got on their bikes for their weekly "house wife" outing. Maybe next Wednesday I will join them...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The cast is off...

The cast came off today and the X rays showed an impressive array of screws and plates. It also showed that the operation was a success, but now I have to take it easy and live in my moonboot. I can gradually put weight on the foot and start moving the ankle to get some mobility back in it.

The best news is that I can take a shower and will not have to "top and bottom" in the washbasin... enough said.

Now that I can shower I will slowly start putting some time in on the spinning bike and I hope to be back on the real deal in a couple of weeks (about 3 weeks to get all the ligaments strong enough)

The Finisher's dinner at Diemersfontein was a great occasion and I hope to be there next year as a 2011 finisher. I really enjoyed the few days with The Pretty One in Cape Town, visiting all the cousins and uncles and aunts.

So tomorrow it is 100% back in the real world and about high time I do some real work...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The waiting game


Waiting for the last batch of riders to finish. With the racing finished and the "touring" racers enjoying the Freedom Challenge it is a "waiting game" to see how far each group will ride every day.

Waiting for the 13th when Ilette will join me in the Cape for a couple of days. Visiting family, taking in some sights, enjoying ourselves.

Waiting for the 17th. The Freedom Challenge Finishers Dinner. Hope to see a good group of "cult foloowers".

Waiting for the 22nd July. That is when the cast comes off. If al goes well I can then start to get some normality back into my life: training, working, walking...

Waiting for 29 May 2011 - when I will again start from Beit Bridge and ride to Cape Town. Will have to do some walking training... not just riding.

In the mean time I am doing what the doc said. "Keep the weight of the foot, keep it high"