Monday, May 10, 2010

What is a tar road?

When I hear of the cyclists being knocked down on our roads, I get even more scared to go anywhere near a tarred road. But what to do if you have no choice? The stretch of road that I am worried about is the 11km south of Messina. Here it is not a problem, because I wil be dropped of at Beit Bridge, and then my wife will wait for me in Messina and "escort" me on this nightmare. I will have to find a solution for the future. But when is a tar road no more a tar road? I wonder if this road is a tar road or an obstacle course? The game fence to the left of the Pajero has a lovely quad bike inspection track next to it, but this is where the permission is not granted at present. I will have to see the people, and make a plan.

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